Letters Home

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AI Letter 28 November 2023 28th Nov 2023Whole School Download
Consultation Letter - Change to Timings of School Day March 2024 25th Mar 2024Whole School Download
Culture Day - Last day of term 28 March 2024 07th Mar 2024Whole School Download
Diversity Day at The Excelsior Academy July 2024 01st Mar 2024Whole School Download
End of Half Term Letter 8 February 2024.docx 08th Feb 2024Whole School Download
End of Spring Term 2 - Easter 2024 22nd Mar 2024Whole School Download
End of Summer 2 letter - July 12th Jul 2024Whole School Download
End of Summer Half Term 1 Letter - May 2024 23rd May 2024Whole School Download
End of Term Autumn 2 December 2023 11th Dec 2023Whole School Download
FSM Workshop Letter Feb 2024.docx 09th Feb 2024Whole School Download
Letter re IT Systems Monitoring November 2023 28th Nov 2023Whole School Download
New School Uniform Transition Arrangements Letter - July 2024 19th Jul 2024Whole School Download
Petchey Easter 5 07th Apr 2023Whole School Download
Re Introduction to Pastoral Team Jan 2024.docx 08th Jan 2024Whole School Download
School Closure - Eid al-Adha 2024 07th Jun 2024Whole School Download
Sports Day Letter - 15 July 2024 15th Jul 2024Whole School Download
Tuition Follow up letter November 2023 11th Dec 2023Whole School Download
Uniform Expectations - July 2024 15th Jul 2024Whole School Download